The California Democratic Party Asian Pacific Islander Caucus (CDP API Caucus) is the officially chartered caucus of the California Democratic Party representing Democrats of Asian and Pacific Islander (API) origin in the State of California. It was formed to foster participation in the policy decisions and the outreach programs of the Party in the diverse API communities.  The CDP API Caucus works under the general direction of the California Democratic Party. The CDP API Caucus supports all CDP endorsed candidates and ballot measures.

As the CDP API Caucus, we are a team of highly energized, experienced, and excited leaders here to support you and represent Democratic ideals, turn red counties and districts blue, as well as supporting, training, and recruiting Democrats within the Asian Pacific Islander community and those who wish to run for public office.

Our goals are:

Energizing & Engaging API Voters | Electing API Democrats | Strengthening & Mobilizing Our Communities

Activating Grassroots and Grasstops
Work and connect with API grassroots activists, elected officials, community leaders, and the Democratic Party leadership alike to maximize Caucus outreach efforts in local communities to recruit, motivate, and activate API candidates and activists – from County Central Committees to public offices

Training for Winning Campaigns
Host campaign and mobilization trainings to make sure that API activists and candidates have the tools and know-how to win campaigns; work with local activists and County Parties to encourage API candidates running for local offices to actively seek Party endorsement

Engaging and Energizing
Strive to reach and engage every potential API Democrat in all corners of the state – in suburbs, cities, and rural areas by grassroots outreach and media/social media outreach; increase Caucus media and communications presence via regular newsletters, website, and social media

Acting Together and Actualizing Goals
Work with Caucus membership, API elected officials, activists, and the Party leadership to further Democratic causes and fight for Democratic values; hold our Caucus and our Party accountable to make sure that the issues of the API community are addressed

Motivating, Mobilizing and Voting
Work with local Democratic clubs and activists to register and mobilize API Democratic voters at the ballot box; work with allied organizations to protect voting rights and promote ballot access to make sure that the voice of the diverse API community is heard

If you want to learn more about how to get involved and do your part in making a difference, please email us at: